La copa del arbol
La copa del árbol simboliza el desarrollo y la prosperidad del Estado de Israel, que avanza y se
expande desde su creación.
En sus ramas crecieron la cultura, la ciencia, la educación, la industria. Todas ellas prosperaron y se desarrollaron gracias a la iniciativa, excelencia y determinación del Pueblo de Israel
Beyond memory

Ganei Tikvah, gallery performance 2003

Ganei Tikvah, gallery performance 140X125cm 2003

Jordan valley Rough stone 300cm 2003
Preoccupation with memory and forgetting is common practice in Israel. There is room for Memorial monuments after so many wars. The stone statue in the form of a hand (hand in Hebrew means a memorial statue) is just one of many kinds of examples.
The second issue is related to the Holocaust. Hannah Barak Engel writes in the catalog ‘’Balance’’ 2008. ‘'Of his life materials after following family roots trip to the place of the death of grandparents, he created series daycare figures huddled waiting for the unknown.

Thüringen Cut trunks 165X164cm 1993

Studio tree trunks, wood 70cm each unit

Studio 60X40 each unit 2003
Cast concrete and stone faces sealed expressionless. An attempt to resuscitation after extinction connects the past with the present emotions. "
Gad is using tree trunks to sculpts installations, such as ‘’Initials’’ a memorial of his family which was erected as a part of a wood symposium in the Thüringen, Germany, 1993.

Concrete , fabrics, wood Holon 40cm 2008

Concrete , fabrics, wood Holon 40cm 2008

No see, no hear, no speak Iron, stone Ganai Tikva 2003