La copa del arbol
La copa del árbol simboliza el desarrollo y la prosperidad del Estado de Israel, que avanza y se
expande desde su creación.
En sus ramas crecieron la cultura, la ciencia, la educación, la industria. Todas ellas prosperaron y se desarrollaron gracias a la iniciativa, excelencia y determinación del Pueblo de Israel
Cause for Concern
The artist relates in these works to his physical traumas which he went through. He describes in a staged photograph his feelings before a heart attack, by means of a stone as a heavy Burden on his shoulders, kind of privet via dolorosa, tree trunks indicating an angina pectoris, etc.
The Challah was used as a metaphor of the heart. A Challah with a zipper is part of the objects which he sculptured in order to continue following the treatment, the seizure and later on the stitches.
He turned the medical instruments tubes into an artistic subject.
The Exhibition’s curator, Arieh Berkowitz writes in the catalog: ''Gad Ullman sees himself locked in an allegoric complex of twisted lines into an embracing bundle, to express deep feelings when he is stripped, with no protection, in the classical way of drawing, by a Virtuosi professional hand which knows how to express a true honest and touchy saying’’.

Stump 40cm 2005

Acrylic Cast 30cm 2005

Stump 40cm 2005

Stone. rope 60cm 2005

Rope, wooden panels 64X40cm each unit 2009

Preformance, Wood Tel Aviv 2005

Charcoal on Cardboard 170X230cm 2012

Acrylic on canvas 100X240cm 2013

Acrylic Cast 40X40cm 2003

Synthetic clay, fabric, wood 40X140cm 2008