La copa del arbol
La copa del árbol simboliza el desarrollo y la prosperidad del Estado de Israel, que avanza y se
expande desde su creación.
En sus ramas crecieron la cultura, la ciencia, la educación, la industria. Todas ellas prosperaron y se desarrollaron gracias a la iniciativa, excelencia y determinación del Pueblo de Israel
Personal Mythology
Over The Rainbow
La copa del arbol
Cause for Concern
Beyond Memory
Las raices
In this site there is Gad Ullman presents a variety of his works through themes that interest him in the last recent years He relates to the seashore, He handles his memories, traumas he experienced, cruising into imagination beyond the rainbow. He expresses these themes by combining drawings
paintings in various techniques, Sculpts objects, and
establishing outdoor sculptures in public space.
Ullman chooses carefully the materials he is using: stone, wood, metal or sand, to collocate and intensify their expression. It does not matter in which medium he chooses to work, one can notice his
distinguished, expressive and very personal style.