La copa del arbol
La copa del árbol simboliza el desarrollo y la prosperidad del Estado de Israel, que avanza y se
expande desde su creación.
En sus ramas crecieron la cultura, la ciencia, la educación, la industria. Todas ellas prosperaron y se desarrollaron gracias a la iniciativa, excelencia y determinación del Pueblo de Israel

Charcoal on Cardboard 70X160cm 2010

Packaging cardboard 70X170X3cm 2012

Charcoal on board 60X80cm 2014
The Artist chose the sea shore as an arena for his drawings and paintings. The meeting arena, where an endless struggle occurs between the water and the land. In this area he chose to relate to the buoys, originally holding a rope as borderline in the water.
He investigates their movements in any weather in ebb and flow. He sees in them a kind of images almost human with life and needs of their own. An allegoric and poetic approach. He builds around them a personal mythology, asking, what will happen to them if they will be released from the connecting cables bonding them together?
Will they fly in the sky? Or wonder on the sand?
Dr. Nava Sebillia Sadeh summarizes: “Ullman elevates his allegory images into an adventurous journey creating deep layers of intellectual knots and contexts.”

mixed media, acrylic on canvas 100X160cm 2010

mixed media, acrylic on canvas 100X160cm 2010

Acrylic on canvas 40X100cm 2010

Acrylic on canvas 40X40cm 2010
Personal Mythology
In recent Years Gad Ullman concentrates on seashore paintings.

Acrylic on canvas 50X70cm each unit 2013

Charcoal, oil paint, sand 60X80cm 2014

Charcoal on cardboard 170X170cm 2012

Charcoal on cardboard 170X230cm 2012

Acrylic on canvas 50X70cm 2013